Thursday 30 April 2015

I have spent today with most of the Brodetsky teaching staff, taking part in training linked to our new Data Tracker package.

This year has seen the introduction of a new National Curriculum and the move away from the levels against which pupils have been assessed in the past.

Our new package will allow us to track pupil attainment and progress in line with the new national standards.  We will share details of the new system of recording progress with the end of year reports.

I am pleased to say the staff response was very positive (as you can see from these focussed faces) and they could all see the many benefits of the new package.

Mid-way through the day I received a message from one of our parents who had raised a real and serious concern about our pupils and their understanding of cyber safety.

Despite all the work we have done in school it became clear that a number of older primary pupils had been talking via Instagram and Facebook (despite not being 13 years old) with people who they did not know.  Whilst this has not happened at school it is important that we follow this up with and revisit the key issues linked to cyber safety.

I have included a link to an excellent video (via You Tube) that should be seen by both parents and your children, if they are old enough.

When used in LJFS it resulted in significant changes in student on-line behaviour.  However, following today, I intend to revisit the issues with the students again to freshen their memory.

This second video is for older students and aims to ensure all students understand the implications of sharing personal information.

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