Remember, Remember The Fifth of November
The Finale
We had a fantastic Firework display again on Thursday 5th. This was a campus fundraising effort and all the partners played a role in ensuring it was a success.
Simon Barnett coordinated the display itself and again supported the cost of the fireworks. The display would not be possible without his support. He was backed up by Bryan Gothelf and Darren Taylor who helped set up the display and light the fireworks. The setting up takes several hours to complete. There is an additional donor who has supported some of the costs. I will add their name once I can confirm they are happy with this.
Raina and her Zone team opened their doors and provided amazing hospitality for the hundreds of people who attended. This takes days of preparation and hours of non-stop service and cleaning at the end. The hotdogs, baked potatoes, soup and cakes were amazing and well appreciated and is a key part of ensuring the event is a success.
The Schools Campus Administrative Team, led by Denise Robinson, with Nigel Barton (Site Manager) ensured that tickets and parking where organised and that logistical support, where needed, was given to all involved. They were also supported by Maccabi who provided stewards to help manage access to the site and parking. Bryan Gothelf played a second role coordinating the Maccabi volunteer gathering.
The Brodetsky Link volunteers staffed the ticket sales on the gates, ran a raffle, sold glow sticks and painted faces. They also designed the tickets and the fliers. As always their quiet work behind the scenes gives the special child focus to every event.
The Scouts Guides, Brownies, Cubs and Beavers organised the bonfire and the 'Make a Guy Stall'. All the 'guys' were added to the fire. We of course meant no offence to Roman Catholic guests. Guy Fawkes ended up on the fire because of an act of treason and not directly because of his faith.
And finally the LJFS Students and Staff (Including those from the Rodillian Academy) held a non-uniform day. They all paid to come to school dressed as 'Guys' and fireworks.
The Campus Administrative Team will collate the income and we will announce the final total as soon as it is known.
I would like to thank everyone who helped organise this event and those who supported it. It continues to be an amazing reflection of our community and the campus as one of its core hubs.
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