Monday, 25 May 2015

That Sunday Feeling!

One of the best things about school holidays is the change to the Sunday feeling. This is not unique to teaching but more pronounced due the regularity of the working week.

Sunday evening, without work the next day, feels very different to the regular Sunday evening. It is more relaxed and can finish later as a slow start is possible the next day.

Leading up to this break was a particularly busy week in both schools.

LJFS held its second Parent's Evening of the year. Our organisation was perfected further and it went very well.  Parents were able to meet Susy Jagger, new Deputy Head for the school, as well as meet all the teachers and see for themselves the outstanding progress the students are making.  The feedback from those who attended was excellent.

Anne-Marie Holdsworth has provided the deputy support for LJFS for the last year and has been invaluable in supporting us take the school forward. She achieved this with limited time, and many other responsibilities within the Rodillian run schools. Susy Jagger will be on site full time including teaching maths and girls PE.

When we return the Brodesky Year 5 students will be offered their taster visits as they start to consider school options before the next admission round starts.

For Brodetsky, the sharing of new class lists was the big news of the week.  We do this early to avoid the normal rumour mill gathering too much of a head of steam. Despite the continuing increase in pupil numbers we have been able to maintain our existing structure with the addition of a second Year 3 class in September.  We are now looking to build additional classroom spaces this year, and the year after, to accommodate our rising role.

We will also integrate Deborah Taylor Nursery into Brodetsky from September.  This is a significant step that will aid us in making best use of our resources.  Deborah Taylor will continue to be remembered as we name the Early Years building after her.

We continue to seek new and innovative ways of organising education on site. This is done for the benefit of all the pupils.

I hope that this on going effort is appreciated by all.

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