Monday, 27 April 2015

Tremors and Trembles in Year 6

I spent part of today supervising a small group of Year 6 pupils as they undertook a practice SAT.

In my own experience as a pupil I had to sit the 11+ (and failed it).  This had a much more significant impact on my educational offer than the current SATs.  I had to start at a secondary modern school, with my parents moving house to get me into the better choice.  After two years they managed to then have me transferred to a comprehensive school that allowed me to try for O' Levels.

Based on the 11+ outcome this should have been a chance I was denied.

The Year 6 SATs should not/ do not play such a role in the educational life of our pupils. They are a measure of the progress they have made to date, and against which future progress is measured.

The pupils do aspire to as high a level as is possible but this must be seen in relation to both their starting point and any challenges they may have faced.

If a child is dyslexic an exam paper is immediately a barrier to them showing their real potential.  They will have had to learn strategies to help them attempt the tests, as well staff ensuring the materials are prepared and accessible.

A more able child in English will need to be challenged to show their true potential and working to this must include them facing things that are difficult and challenging.

In all cases Resilience is needed.

In Brodetsky we are starting to engage in a Local Authority project called 'Growth Mindset' which will develop the resilience of all the pupils.  In LJFS this is followed by Resilience lessons in Year 7 that aim  to produce confident and independent learners.

How should we value such skills and strengths and how important are they for the future of each pupils?

Think of our Year 6 pupils as they draw`another line in the sand, and their teachers/headteachers whose reputation rest on where that line is drawn.  Remember that this is just another starting point for a personal race for each child to achieve all they can, not a finish tape.

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